I just can't take it anymore. Tony Kornheiser stinks and is dragging down Monday Night Football.
Getting rid of Kornheiser would be addition by subtraction. Mike Tirico and Jaws are a solid team and they are more than enough to anchor Monday Night Football. Throw in Suzy Colbert & Michele Tafoya on the sidelines and the enormous stable of ESPN talent always on tap and we have a formula for an enjoyable football experience.
The last broadcaster that was as annoying as Kornheiser was the horrible Dan Dierdorf.
For a network that really seems to understand what sports fans want, it is really hard to understand why they are sticking with Kornheiser.
If enough people agree, perhaps ESPN will listen.
So Speak Up!!
I've written ESPN a few times telling them to get rid of Kornheiser. I didn't think Dierdorf was as bad as Pat Summerall.
The problem is if you're going to get rid of Kornheiser, you HAVE to get rid of Jaws, who is just as bad. I used to like Jaws, but the guy is a babbling idiot who is extremely biased to the QB position and is just a small step up from Theismann. Plus, every time he gets done saying something, he feels compelled to say "Tony" at the end, which is annoying. Check it out for yourself..."Did you see that block there.....TONY?" "That was just great vision to see the hole before it opened up....TONY." Tirico is the only one worth keeping around.
I gotta admit, I think Kornheiser is terrible in the booth. During last night game all he really wanted to do was run his mouth louder than anyone else and worship the Patriots. He is a terribly biased individual who has no place on television...he really doesn't even deserve a column in our local newspaper. I will also go on record as saying that from here on out I'll mute Monday Night Football..this guy has helped destroy something I've enjoyed my entire life. I made a little post myself at my website www.coreyperkins.com ... please comment and support the 'Fire Tony' movement.
Let's lead a boycott if ESPN doesn't get rid of that toxic fraud they're trying to pawn on viewers as Howard Cosell. He's horrible. I say put Stink in his place.
Get rid of that tired old combover! He's destroying Monday Night Football!
It's pretty bad when I can look back at MNF featuring Dennis Miller as better times than currently. Kornheiser is the worst commentator in the history of sports bar none. How many great plays did we miss because Kornheiser was blathering on about Britney Spears or American Idol? I'm sick of his shit and if he died tommorrow I wouldn't be the least bit sad. Bring back Theisman, the guy is an asshole but he knows his shit. He can break down coverages and QB reads like nobodies business. When was the last time Tony offered up any on field knowledge worth repeating?
I agree completely. How do we contact ESPN to push for this? Is there an online petition somewhere I can sign?
Why is there only SEVEN posts in here? How can this hyperbole spouting wind bag remain employed? Is ESPN convinced that manufactured opinionated controversy is somehow edgy? Who wants edgy? Show some damn football and shut the hell up! I hate Tony Kornholer worse than a sharp stick to the eye and I swear unless my team is playing on Monday, there's no way I can watch.
I know we can't be the only people on here that hate him. Seriously, I cannot remember a commentator that was so horrible! I mean I hate the guy and all, but I don't want him to die like TABOR but I really do want him off MNF at the very least. I can stand him on PTI because he always makes a fool of himself. But there is no one way someone can watch this man on TV and say "Wow what a football genius" or "I understood what happened because Tony told me"...All he does is piss people off becaues he tries to act so much better than everyone else.
I don't know what people think Jaws is even remotely close to Kornpieceofshit. Jaws has knowledge of the game, and yes he is biased at QB because he played that position. Mark Schlareth is biased towards Defense too but he still knows his football and can analyze it unlike Tony who just blabs on about totally pointless crap. His rants before MNF starts seriously make me want to take my $2000 TV and throw it out the window so I wont have to listen to him anymore.
I agree Mike and Jaws are perfect on there and they do most of the commentating anyways. The only reason Jaws says Tony at the end of everything is because he is trying to get something football related out of him instead of him just saying stupid things. I think you all have very valid points especially the author, but in no way should Tony Kornheiser ever commentate an NFL game again. Thank you
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