I don't hate MNF, I just hate Tony Kornhole. Listen, he has the right to earn a living on shows like PTI and other crap like the sport reporters, PTI and Burn Rome Burn. I don't mind those shows because I CAN TURN THE CHANNEL and watch a Law & Order rerun. ESPN has turned into the E channel for sports. The only football show worth watching is NFL matchup with Jaws and Hoge. Fans actually learn football watching it... but it is on at 7:30am!!!! Thanks ESPN, I really appreciate waking up at 7:30am on a Sunday.
Back to the issue at hand, Tony K. is just bad. At least Dennis Miller did not pretend to know football. I truely enjoyed watching and studying football so I am stuck with T. Kornhole for the time being. At least I have the MUTE botton.
Pedro, I love your comment!!! My friend who works at ESPN and I are constantly complaining about "Kornhole" he really is the WORST host on Monday Night Football ever! I mean, That comedian a few years back was bad...but at least he didn't try to pretend to know about football. That was just a mistake. Period. I Cannot believe that Kornhole (thanks Pedro its easier than actually caring to spell his last name lol ) is still on the show this year. The man seriously does not know anything about the game. I could go to any local bar and find some townie to make more insightful comments during a game than he could. I mean take this past Monday for example..anyone out there think Kornhole has a man crush on Brett Favre? I have never heard so many Brett Favre references in my life!! The guy is nothing but a big sack of hot air. I have trouble believing that ESPN couldn't find another person to co-host one of the most televised shows in America. I don't blame him for being ignorant and ridiculous on the air. I blame ESPN for making such a ridiculous desicion.. who's next Skipp Bailus? Seriously guys, little kids watch Monday night football and on Tuesdays go back to school and get made fun of for saying that they actually watched the game with the sound on. Its ridiculous. As for the rest of the cast Jaws and Mike T, I think they are great. Can the Kornhole and that would be a fine show. I would love a guy on there who actually has a love for the game... kornhole just has a love for hearing his dumbass talk on national television. It makes me want to watch the WWE! There might just be more truth to what is going on there than what is coming out of kornholes mouth, at least it might be more believable!
Chris, I believe Kornhole said "Brett Favre" 529 times. Thank God Pats v Jets is not on a Monday Night! Can you imagine that?! Brady, Favre, Brady, Favre, Brady... I hope next year the leave Jaws and Mike T. That is a good team. Tony K. please have mercy on us footall fans, leave the booth and stay at PTI. Please dude!
By the way, isn't John Madden senile? Thanks to Al Michaels who actually keeps Madden in check and paying attention to the game.
Dear God, he makes watching Monday Night Football unbearable. I'm watching a game right now and I felt the need to google "I hate Tony Kornheiser." How can he still be hosting? Anyone I ask has the same thing to say about him, "He's annoying." He's much more interested in off field drama than the actual game and he's always trying to bring the conversation back to those topics.
It's as if he's writing his column during the game and is bouncing ideas off the other commentators and the poor audience who just want to watch the game. I don't know how Jaws tolerates his idiocy.
Wow! Jacob I thought I wrote your post. I googled the same thing. He doesn't say anything intelligent and might as well be on the Cowboys payroll - FIRE HIM! He's pathetic
May be i was premature in my wish to have Kornhole fired. He only mentioned "Brett Favre" 5 times last night. The highlight of the game for me was when Jaws complimented Mike T. for recognizing a play he had observed Dallas running in practice. I believe it was the pass to J. Witten down field. It shut up T. Kornhole!!! Good job Jaws. At least Jaws understands the frustration us fans have with MNF and Kornhole. that guy does not give a crap about the game, he just wants to express his opinion on Jessica Simpson or T.O.'s love affair with Andy Reid. WE WANT FOOTBALL YOU IDIOT!!! WE WANT TO UNDERSTAND THE GAME AND WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE FIELD. If we want to know about T.O.'s character issues we can watch PTI or the other idiots on The Sport Reporters.
I bet ESPN will get rid of Jaws next season and put M. Wilbon or that potato from the Boston Globe that does the Sports Reporters. Instead of MNF Countdown it will be MNF on PTI... MNF is dead, ESPN has killed it. Thank for nothing ESPN.
Tony Kornheiser sucks. He needs to leave MNF so I can watch it again. The audience is primarily men, so what's with the GAY pregame poetry? NO DUDES WANT THAT! Men want football analysis not Kornhole poetry before every Monday night game. The whole world is thinking it, I'm just the first person to say it. Poetry sucks, especially football poetry. It makes me want to gag and I can't hit the mute button fast enough.
Jeffrey, recommend you not to watch any of the pregame shows. The mute bottom is an option for Monday Night Football, but i just go down to my local bar and watch the game there. they usually don't have the sound on so it is a blessing, plus James Joyce has the best burgers in the area! I am enjoying football more this year, ever since I have tuned out the pregame shows. Those jokers are too busy trying to figure out T.O.s state of mind than analyzing games.
I'm from the DC/Baltimore area, and I'm embarrassed that Korny Toeguiser is from this area and was actually listened to and read on a regular basis on the now defunct WWWT and The Washington Post. He's condescending. He's annoying. He acts like he's "in-touch" with the goings-ons with the youth (via quotes and news from entertainment suck), but it comes off as a old-man-ish. From 98 Rock in Baltimore, to quote Mickey from the Mickey, Amillia and Speigle show "he looks like he has cancer and his co-hosts on MNF look like they out side of Korny's cancer-quarantine-bubble". Maybe what was just said isn't total verbatim, but it was close, and I agree either way.
As if I couldn't be annoyed enough by this guy for just being a horrible voice on MNF, and you even have to look at him every once in awhile, but now I really hate him, after he dug up all the Scott Norwood, "Wide Right" shit. Look jackass, Bills fans and even most football fans born by 1985 remember when Norwood missed the famous attempt in the closest Super Bowl ever... Thanks for Rubbing it in and Jinxing the hell out of Rian Lindell when the Bills really needed to win on MNF. This was a really good MNF finish and he f'n wrecked it for all Bills Fans, as if we need any more open sores....
My family and I used to get excited about watching MNF, but not anymore. I don't know of any family, friends or anyone else who can stand this idiot. When he starts asking Jaws some dumbass question about what the players or teams are thinking I want to beat the TV to death I'm so mad. We've actually had MNF parties where everyone through their food at the TV when he started his bull---T at the opening of the show. Please ESPN... make MNF fun again... get rid of this sorry excuse for a moron!
Kornheiser really bugs... he is totally incapable of thinking on his feet so he's resorted to drafting his comments like a newspaper article before the MNF game. It's so painfully obvious that he's reading his takes directly from a legal pad and that is pathetic.
Then he's got the most obnoxious big city east coast bias I've ever heard. Is he ever wrong??? Please fire Kornheiser. I can't stand to look at his pathetic mug tilting from side to side while reading from the teleprompter any longer.
I really like Mike Tirico & Jaws though, keep them on.
My new favorite words: aerophobia, aviatophobia, aviophobia or pteromechanophobia. What is the common definition of these beautiful words? FEAR OF FLYING!!! Say good bye Tony Kornhole!!! Go back to PTI, where you belong so I can tune you out!.... Oh wait, What? Who?.... Gruden!!! What the f*@#!!!
But I love to Watch Monday Night Football Online with my friends. This show is very interesting. Its all episodes are mind blowing!!! I just hate Tony.
I don't hate MNF, I just hate Tony Kornhole. Listen, he has the right to earn a living on shows like PTI and other crap like the sport reporters, PTI and Burn Rome Burn. I don't mind those shows because I CAN TURN THE CHANNEL and watch a Law & Order rerun. ESPN has turned into the E channel for sports. The only football show worth watching is NFL matchup with Jaws and Hoge. Fans actually learn football watching it... but it is on at 7:30am!!!! Thanks ESPN, I really appreciate waking up at 7:30am on a Sunday.
Back to the issue at hand, Tony K. is just bad. At least Dennis Miller did not pretend to know football. I truely enjoyed watching and studying football so I am stuck with T. Kornhole for the time being. At least I have the MUTE botton.
Pedro, I love your comment!!! My friend who works at ESPN and I are constantly complaining about "Kornhole" he really is the WORST host on Monday Night Football ever! I mean, That comedian a few years back was bad...but at least he didn't try to pretend to know about football. That was just a mistake. Period. I Cannot believe that Kornhole (thanks Pedro its easier than actually caring to spell his last name lol ) is still on the show this year. The man seriously does not know anything about the game. I could go to any local bar and find some townie to make more insightful comments during a game than he could. I mean take this past Monday for example..anyone out there think Kornhole has a man crush on Brett Favre? I have never heard so many Brett Favre references in my life!! The guy is nothing but a big sack of hot air. I have trouble believing that ESPN couldn't find another person to co-host one of the most televised shows in America. I don't blame him for being ignorant and ridiculous on the air. I blame ESPN for making such a ridiculous desicion.. who's next Skipp Bailus? Seriously guys, little kids watch Monday night football and on Tuesdays go back to school and get made fun of for saying that they actually watched the game with the sound on. Its ridiculous. As for the rest of the cast Jaws and Mike T, I think they are great. Can the Kornhole and that would be a fine show. I would love a guy on there who actually has a love for the game... kornhole just has a love for hearing his dumbass talk on national television. It makes me want to watch the WWE! There might just be more truth to what is going on there than what is coming out of kornholes mouth, at least it might be more believable!
Chris, I believe Kornhole said "Brett Favre" 529 times. Thank God Pats v Jets is not on a Monday Night! Can you imagine that?! Brady, Favre, Brady, Favre, Brady... I hope next year the leave Jaws and Mike T. That is a good team. Tony K. please have mercy on us footall fans, leave the booth and stay at PTI. Please dude!
By the way, isn't John Madden senile? Thanks to Al Michaels who actually keeps Madden in check and paying attention to the game.
Dear God, he makes watching Monday Night Football unbearable. I'm watching a game right now and I felt the need to google "I hate Tony Kornheiser." How can he still be hosting? Anyone I ask has the same thing to say about him, "He's annoying." He's much more interested in off field drama than the actual game and he's always trying to bring the conversation back to those topics.
It's as if he's writing his column during the game and is bouncing ideas off the other commentators and the poor audience who just want to watch the game. I don't know how Jaws tolerates his idiocy.
Wow! Jacob I thought I wrote your post. I googled the same thing. He doesn't say anything intelligent and might as well be on the Cowboys payroll - FIRE HIM! He's pathetic
May be i was premature in my wish to have Kornhole fired. He only mentioned "Brett Favre" 5 times last night. The highlight of the game for me was when Jaws complimented Mike T. for recognizing a play he had observed Dallas running in practice. I believe it was the pass to J. Witten down field. It shut up T. Kornhole!!! Good job Jaws. At least Jaws understands the frustration us fans have with MNF and Kornhole. that guy does not give a crap about the game, he just wants to express his opinion on Jessica Simpson or T.O.'s love affair with Andy Reid. WE WANT FOOTBALL YOU IDIOT!!! WE WANT TO UNDERSTAND THE GAME AND WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE FIELD. If we want to know about T.O.'s character issues we can watch PTI or the other idiots on The Sport Reporters.
I bet ESPN will get rid of Jaws next season and put M. Wilbon or that potato from the Boston Globe that does the Sports Reporters. Instead of MNF Countdown it will be MNF on PTI... MNF is dead, ESPN has killed it. Thank for nothing ESPN.
I quit, Tony Kornhole you win! I am watching Dancing with the Stars. Thank you for destroying MNF ESPN. I am boycotting your all your programming.
Tony Kornheiser sucks. He needs to leave MNF so I can watch it again. The audience is primarily men, so what's with the GAY pregame poetry? NO DUDES WANT THAT! Men want football analysis not Kornhole poetry before every Monday night game. The whole world is thinking it, I'm just the first person to say it. Poetry sucks, especially football poetry. It makes me want to gag and I can't hit the mute button fast enough.
Jeffrey, recommend you not to watch any of the pregame shows. The mute bottom is an option for Monday Night Football, but i just go down to my local bar and watch the game there. they usually don't have the sound on so it is a blessing, plus James Joyce has the best burgers in the area! I am enjoying football more this year, ever since I have tuned out the pregame shows. Those jokers are too busy trying to figure out T.O.s state of mind than analyzing games.
I'm from the DC/Baltimore area, and I'm embarrassed that Korny Toeguiser is from this area and was actually listened to and read on a regular basis on the now defunct WWWT and The Washington Post. He's condescending. He's annoying. He acts like he's "in-touch" with the goings-ons with the youth (via quotes and news from entertainment suck), but it comes off as a old-man-ish. From 98 Rock in Baltimore, to quote Mickey from the Mickey, Amillia and Speigle show "he looks like he has cancer and his co-hosts on MNF look like they out side of Korny's cancer-quarantine-bubble". Maybe what was just said isn't total verbatim, but it was close, and I agree either way.
As if I couldn't be annoyed enough by this guy for just being a horrible voice on MNF, and you even have to look at him every once in awhile, but now I really hate him, after he dug up all the Scott Norwood, "Wide Right" shit. Look jackass, Bills fans and even most football fans born by 1985 remember when Norwood missed the famous attempt in the closest Super Bowl ever... Thanks for Rubbing it in and Jinxing the hell out of Rian Lindell when the Bills really needed to win on MNF. This was a really good MNF finish and he f'n wrecked it for all Bills Fans, as if we need any more open sores....
My family and I used to get excited about watching MNF, but not anymore. I don't know of any family, friends or anyone else who can stand this idiot. When he starts asking Jaws some dumbass question about what the players or teams are thinking I want to beat the TV to death I'm so mad. We've actually had MNF parties where everyone through their food at the TV when he started his bull---T at the opening of the show. Please ESPN... make MNF fun again... get rid of this sorry excuse for a moron!
Kornhole has got to go. Having Kornheiser on MNF makes about as much sense as a telephone in an outhouse.
Kornheiser really bugs... he is totally incapable of thinking on his feet so he's resorted to drafting his comments like a newspaper article before the MNF game. It's so painfully obvious that he's reading his takes directly from a legal pad and that is pathetic.
Then he's got the most obnoxious big city east coast bias I've ever heard. Is he ever wrong??? Please fire Kornheiser. I can't stand to look at his pathetic mug tilting from side to side while reading from the teleprompter any longer.
I really like Mike Tirico & Jaws though, keep them on.
My new favorite words: aerophobia, aviatophobia, aviophobia or pteromechanophobia. What is the common definition of these beautiful words? FEAR OF FLYING!!! Say good bye Tony Kornhole!!! Go back to PTI, where you belong so I can tune you out!.... Oh wait, What? Who?.... Gruden!!! What the f*@#!!!
But I love to Watch Monday Night Football Online with my friends. This show is very interesting. Its all episodes are mind blowing!!! I just hate Tony.
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